Changing SEO Agency – What do you Need to Know?

Changing SEO agency – what do you need to know?

Transitioning from one SEO company is more than sending out a termination notice or ending payment. There are some other important things that you need to know before switching your SEO Company as a site owner. Following are some crucial aspects you want to ask a new SEO Company before hiring it.

What is your way of working to improve my search engine rankings?

You shouldn’t expect them at this stage to divulge all their secrets. Any SEO company worth its salt will be able to give you a detailed overview of its SEO process, from performing audits to creating a strategy to implementing tactics that will increase your SERP ranking. This should be the first and most important question you ask. If they don’t answer, it’s likely they aren’t looking for what you want. To choose a perfect SEO agency Manchester, this question is the most crucial one to ask before everything else. 

How can you notify our website of changes?

SEO requires constant changes. Your website will require changes at some point, likely many times, such as correcting broken links or updating CTAs. These changes should not be made without your approval. You should know upfront how the changes will be presented and who will make them. Companies that are providing high-quality SEO services like Creative Marketing dully notify you about all the changes they want to implement on your website to get top ranking.

Which tools do you use to accomplish your goals?

While most SEO agencies are able to rattle off a list full of industry-leading tools, which they use is not as important as where they use them. Ask them about their keyword research process, the reasons they choose the tools, how they monitor backlinks, and the metrics that are important to your brand’s success. A good and reputed SEO agency Manchester will provide you with all the details of tools they use to rank your website.

Do you have efficiency for mobile optimization?

Mobile search is here and will soon dominate search. Do not be intimidated if the agency you are being approached by is dismissive of mobile search. An excellent SEO agency will have a plan for mobile SEO that they will integrate into your overall strategy. They shouldn’t seem reluctant to help you if they do not appear confident.

Do you have any past client results that you can share?

If the agency is unable to produce real results for clients, even a website loaded with trust signals won’t suffice. While you don’t necessarily need financial statements, any SEO company that is successful should be able to show tangible evidence of its accomplishments.

What strategies can you use to move the needle?

They won’t be disclosing trade secrets, but they should be able to speak clearly and in detail about how they built your SEO strategy. Ask them for examples of work they have done for clients and what their plans are to do in order to prove that they can deliver results. Your agency should constantly be updating and improving its strategy in order to make it more efficient. Ask them how they plan on doing this and what they will do if/when they discover that a tactic isn’t working.