How to Scan & Update Your PHP Version in WordPress

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How to Scan & Update Your PHP Version in WordPress

If you manage a WordPress website, it uses PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). In addition, since PHP can affect everything from speed to protection, using an older version of PHP can affect the general efficiency of the WordPress website.

To ensure an improved user experience on your Business profile, you should utilize the latest WordPress versions of PHP. It’s easy to find the latest PHP version and then upgrade your WordPress site to the most current version. In the beginning, you’ll have to make some little steps. Then you’ll need a few clicks to complete the upgrade process.

Let’s begin with the fundamental user question:

Why Update the PHP Version of Your WordPress Site

Continuously updating your WordPress website’s PHP version guarantees excellent efficiency and protection for the website. However, running your site using an outdated version of PHP is likely to impact your website’s performance.

You may have noticed that your WordPress website is built using code languages like PHP. You can be familiar with PHP to operate the website. However, you must ensure that you’re running a current PHP version because hackers can make use of old PHP versions of PHP to access your website. This means you could lose your website forever or severely damage your reputation.

Additionally, you’ll be missing the latest features and functions of the newest version, which are expected to be included based on the present demands.

It is recommended to use the most recent PHP version of your WordPress website to

  • Speed up your site
  • Make sure that your WordPress website is more secured
  • Ensure better error handling
  • Enjoy all the latest features
  • WordPress suggests PHP 7.3 or higher
  • WooCommerce presents PHP 7.2 or higher

Additionally, active support with frequent bug fixes and security patches supports the current version.

A lot of web hosting companies offer automated updates to their clients. You must use manual procedures if your provider isn’t one of them.

For more information, Click here.

How to Check the Current PHP Version of Your WordPress Site

Be aware of your current version when you are ready to upgrade to the latest WordPress PHP versions.

This is crucial since changing PHP can result in issues with compatibility, notably if you last updated it a long period ago. This could cause your website to fail or stop working. This means that any of your plugins or features of these plugins could not be functioning correctly.

We’ll give you two ways to determine the latest PHP version on your WordPress site.

  1. Using WordPress Admin Dashboard

Begin by logging into your WordPress dashboard. Then, go to the Tools page – Site Health page. Click on the tab ‘Info.

Then, on the Site Health page, switch to the tab “Info. Find the Server section.

This tab will show you details about your server, as well as the PHP version of your server:

As the image shows, our website demo is running PHP Version 7.4.29. Depending on your version, it’s up to you whether you’d like to update or stay with the current version.

  1. Using Your Website cPanel

Log into your web hosting account, and navigate the control panel of cPanel. Find the section titled “Software.” There, you’ll find the option “Select the PHP version’.

You are taken to a different page when you click on the button that appears. It displays the PHP version that your WordPress website is operating on.

You can also install a WordPress plugin to verify your PHP version. We recommend using the plugin ‘Display PHP Version’ if you have difficulties using the two methods above.

However, we recommend using the latest stable version. Because WordPress continues to support the version you are currently using is not an ideal decision to remain with it. We’ll walk you through the steps to update your PHP version on your WordPress website.

Preparations Before Updating the PHP Version of Your WordPress Site

As we’ve already mentioned, updating the PHP version can cause issues for your website. Before you begin, you need to be aware of the following items:

  1. Backup Your WordPress Site (Recommended)

Before making significant changes or updates to WordPress, it is recommended to create an archive. This is the same for upgrading WordPress’s PHP version on your website.

Benefits of creating backups before making the necessary changes to the latest PHP version:

  • WordPress themes, as well as plugins, are coded in PHP. If one of your current plugins or your music is poorly coded, there could be compatibility issues after you upgrade the PHP version.
  • Unfortunate interruptions may cause data loss during the update process. This includes, for instance, the loss of internet connectivity. It may appear minor, but it could result in some unimaginable outcomes.

To protect your website from unwanted problems, you should back up your site before making any changes.

  1. Update Existing Plugins and Themes

We’ve already informed you that there could be plugins part of your theme that must be compatible with the most recent versions of PHP. You must first upgrade these plugins and your music to the most current PHP version.

From your WordPress administrator panel, go to the Dashboard from your WordPress admin panel. Click Dashboard Updates. Go through all the updates that are available from here, and then take the appropriate action –

After completing these steps, you’re now prepared to upgrade to the most recent WordPress PHP version. We’ll take a look at the comprehensive tutorial.

How to Revise PHP Version in WordPress (2 Easy Methods)

Web browsers support various programming languages; however, PHP is run on your website server. The server is controlled and controlled by your web hosting provider. You must use the web hosting account to start making changes to PHP on your server.

Although every hosting company offers a different method of changing the PHP version, the process is very similar. This article will show you how to update PHP with cPanel and contact your hosting provider.

Method 1: Update the PHP Version From cPanel

Follow the steps below-

  • Step1: Get the Key to Your Website Control Panel
  • Step2: Check the Current PHP Version
  • Step3: Set the Current PHP Version
Step1: Get the Key to Your Website Control Panel

The first step is to log in to your control panel for the hosting company you use. Select the tab ‘Software’ and click “Select PHP Version. (As we’ve done when looking up the latest PHP version )

Step 2: Check the Current PHP Version

This will take you to the following page. You’ll be able to see the PHP version your server is running there.

Step 3: Set the Current PHP Version

Click on the most recent PHP version. This will display all the most recent PHP versions that are available. 

Method 2: Contact Your Host Provider

All control panels have different features. If you cannot change the PHP version, you should ask your hosting provider for this. They’ll either update it on your behalf without impacting the website’s performance or give you directions. Some companies will charge an amount to accomplish this.

FAQs for How to Rework PHP Versions in WordPress

What is the most recent version of the stable PHP version?

PHP 8.1 It is PHP 8.1, the most current version of the major PHP version. It added new features, such as Enums Fibers, Enums ever return types, intersections properties that read-only, and many more. The last version of the release was 8.1.5, released on Apr 14, 2022.

Is it safe to upgrade PHP?

It depends on your web hosting company and how they configure their servers. You should use the most recent version of PHP for the best functionality for your WordPress website. Please contact your web host before making any modifications to your website.

Do I need to alter from PHP 7 to PHP 8?

Naturally, you must. PHP 8 provides improved code execution and will continue to expand and become better over time. Improved comparisons will rid you of bugs that are frequent and unpredictable behavior that frequently cause problems for PHP developers. This results in increased speed and optimized performance.

Update to the Tardily PHP Version & Run Your Website Procedures Smoothly!

The primary benefits of using the most current stable release of PHP are:

  • The most current version of the software is the most secure.
  • It’s the fastest model and delivers the most performance.
  • It’s the one that is compatible with the most recent version of WordPress
  • The most current themes and plugins have been written with the most recent PHP version.

If you’re using old PHP, the WordPress website may show errors or stop working altogether. The latest versions have new features and enhanced efficiency of code execution. If you don’t upgrade your website, it is a long way off, and you won’t be able to provide the most user-friendly experience for your website.

If you’re managing a WordPress site but have yet to update to the latest PHP version over a long time, you should verify your latest PHP version and then upgrade it (if needed) by following the steps above.