Video Marketing Trends You Should This Year

Video Marketing

These video marketing trends will be the most popular content strategy this year. This content is used by businesses to communicate with customers, promote their brands and generate leads.

While there are many video marketing trends for this year, they are all relatively affordable and simple to produce.

Four out of ten internet users watch videos of brands they’re considering buying from. It’s time for video marketing to reach them.


Video Marketing Benefits

  • Brand awareness can be increased
  • Increase lead generation
  • Sales improve
  • Reduce the number of support calls
  • They bring in more traffic
  • Your users will be more familiar with your products and services.

These benefits are recognized by 80% of companies and they incorporate video marketing in their marketing strategies. These video marketing trends will be a part of your this year marketing strategy.


Video Marketing Trends

Video marketing can be a creative and fun way to reach potential buyers. These are the top trends in video marketing for this year that you can incorporate into your marketing strategy. Also, it’s important to know what is a common issue with social media marketing plans.


Live video

Live videos are more popular than prerecorded videos because they have a higher engagement rate. Facebook users spend more time watching live videos.

You can engage your target audience on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok in real-time with live video.

  • Your audience should see the story behind a product/service.
  • Interview key industry experts and opinion leaders
  • Get to know the people behind your business operations
  • Educate your audience about how to use certain products and services

Live videos allow you to strengthen and build relationships with customers. It is unique because only those who were present at the live video could participate makes it different from other video marketing formats.


Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos are another video marketing trend for this year. These videos allow viewers to see inside your brand’s operations. A BTS video can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Your followers can get a glimpse into your business activities every day.
  • Interview members of the team at different times
  • Tell your brand story
  • Show us some of the difficulties you have faced in your business


Search-optimized videos

Video SEO is not new. However, it has become more popular as more companies recognize the value of video marketing. Optimizing videos for search engines will help your website rank higher in a search.

Potential customers will be able to find you much more easily this way.


Atomization of Videos

It will allow you to achieve more with your video content. This involves the reuse of the same video content on different platforms and channels.

You can use atomization to extract portions of the video and then post them on other platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Your video content can be converted into:

  • Make audio and then upload it as a podcast
  • A blog post by transcription and some editing
  • Video Shorts for Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook Stories.
  • A carousel post highlighting key points
  • Sneak peek at the original video.

Video atomization can help you save time and money when creating a video. It allows you to create content for other platforms and not have to start from scratch.


The educational videos

These videos can be a fun and easy way to engage with your audience. Educational videos allow your customers and prospects to understand the benefits of your products and services.

Do you want to increase traffic to your site, increase brand awareness and increase sales? These video marketing trends can be incorporated into your marketing strategy.

Contact us at Digital Specialist today for more personalized marketing strategies for your business.